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Table 1 Description of variables and expected signs used in the conditional and ordered logit models

From: Household adoption of soil-improving practices and food insecurity in Ghana


Expected sign




Food security

Dependent variables

 Application of soil-improving practices


No adoption = 0

Mulching, cover crops, crop rotation, no-till, and minimum till

Adoption = 1

 Food insecurity groups


Chronic = 1


Seasonal = 2

Vulnerable = 3

Food secure = 4

Independent variables

 Application of soil-improving practices



No adoption = 0


Adoption = 1

 Food insecure/secure



Food insecure = 0


Food secure = 1





100 cedi currency/year

 Chemical fertilizer application



No application = 0

12-month time frame

Apply = 1

 Commercial seed application



No application = 0

12-month time frame

Apply = 1

 Insecticide application



No application = 0

12-month time frame

Apply = 1

 Herbicide application



No application = 1

12-month time frame

Apply = 1

 Household head age





 Household head education level



No or pre-school = 0


junior and above school = 1

 Household size





 Medium-quality soil



Poor = 0


Medium = 1

 Seasonal lease



No seasonal lease = 0

12-month time frame

Seasonal lease = 1

 Long term proprietorship—dropped to avoid collinearity issues



No long lease = 0

12-month time frame

Long lease = 1




No sharecropping = 0

12-month time frame

Share cropping = 1

 Information and training (access) from extension services



No access = 0


Access = 1